

The experience of a house fire, of losing my studio, my materials, my work and my home, has highlighted the power of sitting still. It has taught me, reminded me of the power of breathing. Focusing on my breath to calm the mind, to create space, to grieve.

This is a meditation, a thinking through of the loss of the body of work I created in my Honours year. The body of work that provided me the opportunity to be part of this exhibition. This work is also a performative journaling, stitch-by-stitch, breath-by-breath, in the gallery space. The charcoal remains of the old artwork embedded in a new piece of cloth form the ground of the thread drawing. Time embedded in the cloth through the act of stitching as I breathe in and out, recording breaths in stitches, recording thoughts. At the close of this exhibition I wonder how I will feel about the destroyed artwork and how I will feel towards the new artwork that will take its place.